Our No Lock-In Promise

Apex Designer will *always* support portability of apps and source code.


Run On Your Cloud

Apex Designer generates containerized apps that run on the cloud of your choice. Run your containerized apps on whatever Kubernetes infrastructure suits you best. No proprietary platform, no licensing costs. If you're not into setting up cloud infrastructure, you can run on our (AWS-based) cloud, or we can help you setup your own.

Get to the Source

If you need to bail, we won't try to stop you. With Apex Designer you have full access to the generated source code and you can take it and manage it however you like. Apps export as pure Angular / NodeJs. Because the code is generated from templates, it is clean, consistent and readable. We’re confident that the design experience and productivity boost of using Apex Designer will keep our customers engaged.


No Licensing Lock-In

No runtime user licensing means you can scale without costs getting out of hand. We only charge for use of our design tool, not use of the apps that you create, which means no unpleasant surprises when your app takes off.

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